Thursday, May 5, 2011


One of my friends on facebook kept sharing links from this really awesome website called wanelo. It's full of really really random things... that you can usually actually buy! Here are some of my favorite products from the site:

Bubble wrap calendar

Aquarium sink

Water orb

Spiral staircase with slide

I think I could spend hours on this website!


I saw some really pretty colored clay at Hobby Lobby. I knew it would be great for making apple charms! :) The green and pink clays are kinda shimmery. I mixed the green clay with white glittery clay to make an interesting color. Here are the finished products:

These are available in my store.  You can use the coupon code FUNBERRYBLOG14 when you check out for 20% off your purchase! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi! I'm Strawberry Glitter! (Well, not really, but oh well.) I love cute and random things... and making them! With this blog I'll keep you up to date on the kawaii stuff I make as well as random cuteness I find elsewhere on the internet. Maybe I'll even have a tutorial every once in a while.

I spent a year in Japan. Since coming back I've spent time visiting friends and making stuff for my Etsy store. Here are some of the things I've added to my shop so far:

This sakura cake is my particular favorite:

I was inspired by the yummy sakura cake I ate at Starbucks in Tokyo. :)

Well, that's all for now! If you like, you can visit my Etsy store:

Strawberry Glitter: The Shop of Random Cuteness